de winnaar

Overwhelming Success for Waarschip in the Sonnemarace 23-09-2023

Yesterday, September 23, 2023, the last sailing race was sailed on the Ems by sailing club Neptunus. With 19 boats at the start and good sailing weather, it was a brilliant day despite the many rain showers. They competed in 4 classes and 3 starting groups.

The Klapperboom, a Waarschip 36 LD was ahead of everyone and finished first for the entire group, thus earning Line Honours despite the 20-minute late start. With Caren Niezen as skipper, we sailed both strategically and at speed and the sailed time was only 1:45:30! Even after applying the heavy rating – 85! – the calculated time was very good.

A wonderful time to conclude the 2023 sailing season!